Meet Ella!
Ella Johansson’s favorite place on earth is Lake Benmore, New Zealand. It’s where her family camped every summer through her childhood, where she first learned to water-ski, and where the spectacular view of Mt. Cook glistening in the sun was etched in her memory.
*The image, at right, is Mt. Cook, South Island, New Zealand.

Ella grew up in Christchurch, New Zealand, but these days you’ll find her at home in Melbourne, Australia—nearly 2,400 km (1,500 miles) away. Working for BeiGene from her home office as a Senior Clinical Trials Associate, she supports Australian-based clinical trials that bring benefits to patients around the world. Ella says she is motivated by the company’s values, as she and her team help develop the cancer therapies of tomorrow.
“I love that BeiGene is driven to improve the health of all patients and focuses on areas of great unmet need,” Ella says. “I’m proud to be part of an organization that is driven to make positive change.”
And at the end of each day, Ella always grabs her favorite cup, fills it with her favorite herbal tea, and reflects on a job well done.
At BeiGene, our people, passion, and global reach fuel our fight against cancer.