We Believe in Patients First

The impact of cancer goes well beyond the biology of the disease. Physical health and emotional wellness are interconnected, and the uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis can take its toll not only on patients, but also their families and care partners.
As a company dedicated to putting patients first, BeiGene recognizes the importance of making mental health and emotional wellness an integral part of quality cancer care. Anxiety, depression, isolation, and fear are just a few of the impacts felt by patients and their loved ones across the cancer continuum. That’s why we partnered with an advisory panel of experts in mental health, oncology, patient advocacy, and behavioral science to develop a program called Talk About It: Cancer and Mental Health.
Talk About It: Cancer and Mental Health provides links and resources for people living with cancer, their families and care partners, as well as for healthcare providers. Its goal is to help cancer patients and their loved ones feel heard, and to help navigate the challenges they face that are beyond physical.
Interested in sharing personal experiences about cancer? Please contact patientadvocacy@beigene.com for more information.